Minister of Justice and Attorney General, British Columbia David Eby
Prime Minister of Canada/Premier ministre du Canada Justin Trudeau
President of the USA, Donald Trump
Re: Hunter's Law - It's Time to Enact the Effective Legal Remedy to Stop Child Abduction and Effectuate the Immediate Recovery of Kidnapped Children.
Hunter's Law is written by "left-behind parents" so that victims of kidnapping are afforded equal protection of their human rights and equal protection of the laws, including the most fundamental human right: reasonable protection from their abusers.
Hunter's Law will be brought to the US Congress and Canadian Parliament pursuant to:
The United Nations Covenant of Civil and Political Rights that states in Part 2:
The Covenant that obliges parties - countries signatories to the convention, to "legislate where necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in the Covenant, and to provide an effective legal remedy for any violation of those rights".
Please help enact Hunter's Law: the effective legal remedy for Parental Child Abduction.
Hunter's Law would require that all parental child abductions be reported to and thoroughly investigated by Federal Law Enforcement.
Please read the petition for Hunter's Law and take notice of the support for this law that will finally prevent the 95% of child abductions that are committed by parents and other family members.
According to Canada Criminal Code 283 (1);(paraphrase) A parent commits child abduction if they take a child from another parent in Canada or retain a child outside of Canada without a valid Canadian Court order granting them permission to do so and without the consent of the other parent or guardian.
The United States International Child Abduction Remedies Act states:
International parental child abduction is a Federal crime. In the "International Child Abduction Remedies Act', US Congress states “international abduction or wrongful retention of children is harmful to their well-being,” and “persons should not be permitted to obtain custody of children by virtue of their wrongful removal or retention.”
Hunter's Law is the effective legal remedy to ensure compliance with Federal Kidnapping Laws because it drastically improves the way the justice system handles this horrendous form of child and spousal abuse.
Even though it is a federal crime in Canada and the USA, victims of international parental kidnapping and custodial interference rarely receive help from any form of law enforcement. Police reports are almost never taken and any reports that are taken, are rarely investigated.
Even more alarming, international kidnapping cases are rarely resolved due to judicial and administrative non-compliance with the international treaty. There is a staggering amount of public corruption and absolutely no way to compel treaty partners to comply with the treaty to return kidnapped children.
Please navigate www.hunterslaw.org for more information about Hunter's Law, where "left-behind parents" have a wealth of knowledge about how to CHANGE the "system that has failed to protect them and their children."
Since we have had to endure the hardship and tragic loss of our children, and know first-hand the uphill battle to recover our kidnapped children, we know exactly what must be done to help us navigate their emergency return and how to prevent this federal crime.
Please sign and share the Petition to Support Hunter's Law: the effective legal remedy for all forms of child abduction.