95 percent of kidnappings are committed by parents or other relatives and/or corrupt attorneys, and public officials in the family courts, or child "protection", forced adoption and juvenile justice systems.
There is currently nothing a "left behind parent" can do to prevent their child from being kidnapped, and even less that can be done to secure the prompt return of a kidnapped child. This is why we need to enact Hunter’s Law to:
H elp
U s
N avigate
T heir
E mergency
R eturn
Hunter's Law subscribes to the belief that "we the people" must demand that our rights to due process and equal protection of the law be properly enforced by legal mechanisms that cannot be corrupted by power and authority.
Hunter's Law is written by Left Behind parents whose fundamental civil and political human rights have been violated by citizens and public officials in their countries, because these people have kidnapped their children.
Please sign the petition and navigate the site to learn more.